The Double-Helix Dilemma: Navigating Privacy Pitfalls in Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing

Ethan Wold, MJLST Staffer


On October 22, direct-to-consumer genetic testing (DTC-GT) company 23andME sent emails to a number of its customers informing them of a data breach into the company’s “DNA Relatives” feature that allows customers to compare ancestry information with other users worldwide.[1] While 23andMe and other similar DTC-GT companies offer a number of positive benefits to consumers, such as testing for health predispositions and carrier statuses of certain genes, this latest data breach is a reminder that before choosing to opt into these sorts of services one should be aware of the potential risks that they present.


DTC-GT companies such as 23andMe and have proliferated and blossomed in recent years. It is estimated over 100 million people have utilized some form of direct-to-consumer genetic testing.[2] Using biospecimens submitted by consumers, these companies sequence and analyze an individual’s genetic information to provide a range of services pertaining to one’s health and ancestry.[3] The October 22 data breach specifically pertained to 23andMe’s “DNA Relatives” feature.[4] The DNA Relatives feature can identify relatives on any branch of one’s family tree by taking advantage of the autosomal chromosomes, the 22 chromosomes that are passed down from your ancestors on both sides of your family, and one’s X chromosome(s).[5] Relatives are identified by comparing the customer’s submitted DNA with the DNA of other 23andMe members who are participating in the DNA Relatives feature.[6] When two people are found to have an identical DNA segment, it is likely they share a recent common ancestor.[7] The DNA Relatives feature even uses the length and number of these identical segments to attempt to predict the relationship between genetic relatives.[8] Given the sensitive nature of sharing genetic information, there are often privacy concerns regarding practices such as the DNA Relatives feature. Yet despite this, the legislation and regulations surrounding DTC-GT is somewhat limited.


The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) provides the baseline privacy and data security rules for the healthcare industry.[9] HIPAA’s Privacy Rule regulates the use and disclosure of a person’s “protected health information” by a “covered entity.[10] Under the Act, the type of genetic information collected by 23andMe and other DTC-GT companies does constitute “protected health information.”[11] However, because HIPAA defines a “covered entity” as a health plan, healthcare clearinghouse, or health-care provider, DTC-GT companies do not constitute covered entities and therefore are not under the umbrella of HIPAA’s Privacy Rule.[12]

Thus, the primary source of regulation for DTC-GT companies appears to be the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA). GINA was enacted in 2008 for the purpose of protecting the public from genetic discrimination and alleviating concerns about such discrimination and thereby encouraging individuals to take advantage of genetic testing, technologies, research, and new therapies.[13] GINA defines genetic information as information from genetic tests of an individual or family members and includes information from genetic services or genetic research.[14] Therefore, DTC-GT companies fall under GINA’s jurisdiction. However, GINA only applies to the employment and health insurance industries and thus neglects many other potential arenas where privacy concerns may present.[15] This is especially relevant for 23andMe customers, as signing up for the service serves as consent for the company to use and share your genetic information with their associated third-party providers.[16] As a case in point, in 2018 the pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline purchased a $300 million stake in 23andMe for the purpose of gaining access to the company’s trove of genetic information for use in their drug development trials.[17]

Executive Regulation

In addition to the legislation above, three different federal administrative agencies primarily regulate the DTC-GT industry: the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS), and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The FDA has jurisdiction over DTC-GT companies due to the genetic tests they use being labeled as “medical devices”[18] and in 2013 exercised this authority over 23andMe by sending a letter to the company resulting in the suspending of one of its health-related genetic tests.[19] However, the FDA only has jurisdiction over diagnostic tests and therefore does not regulate any of the DTC-GT services related to genealogy such as 23andMe’s DNA Relatives feature.[20] Moreover, the FDA does not have jurisdiction to regulate the other aspects of DTC-GT companies’ activities or data practices.[21] CMS has the ability to regulate DTC-GT companies through enforcement of the Clinical Laboratory Improvements Act (CLIA), which requires that genetic testing laboratories ensure the accuracy, precision, and analytical validity of their tests.[22] But, like the FDA, CMS only has jurisdiction over tests that diagnose a disease or assess health.[23]

Lastly, the FTC has broad authority to regulate unfair or deceptive business practices under the Federal Trade Commission Act (FTCA) and has levied this authority against DTC-GT companies in the past. For example, in 2014 the agency brought an action against two DTC-GT companies who were using genetic tests to match consumers to their nutritional supplements and skincare products.[24] The FTC alleged that the companies’ practices related to data security were unfair and deceptive because they failed to implement reasonable policies and procedures to protect consumers’ personal information and created unnecessary risks to the personal information of nearly 30,000 consumers.[25] This resulted in the companies entering into an agreement with the FTC whereby they agreed to establish and maintain comprehensive data security programs and submit to yearly security audits by independent auditors.[26]

Potential Harms

As the above passages illustrate, the federal government appears to recognize and has at least attempted to mitigate privacy concerns associated with DTC-GT. Additionally, a number of states have passed their own laws that limit DTC-GT in certain aspects.[27] Nevertheless, given the potential magnitude and severity of harm associated with DTC-GT it makes one question if it is enough. Data breaches involving health-related data are growing in frequency and now account for 40% of all reported data breaches.[28] These data breaches result in unauthorized access to DTC-GT consumer-submitted data and can result in a violation of an individual’s genetic privacy. Though GINA aims to prevent it, genetic discrimination in the form of increasing health insurance premiums or denial of coverage by insurance companies due to genetic predispositions remains one of the leading concerns associated with these violations. What’s more, by obtaining genetic information from DTC-GT databases, it is possible for someone to recover a consumer’s surname and combine that with other metadata such as age and state to identify the specific consumer.[29] This may in turn lead to identity theft in the form of opening accounts, taking out loans, or making purchases in your name, potentially damaging your financial well-being and credit score. Dealing with the aftermath of a genetic data breach can also be expensive. You may incur legal fees, credit monitoring costs, or other financial burdens in an attempt to mitigate the damage.


As it sits now, genetic information submitted to DTC-GT companies already contains a significant volume of consequential information. As technology continues to develop and research presses forward, the volume and utility of this information will only grow over time. Thus, it is crucially important to be aware of risks associated with DTC-GT services.

This discussion is not intended to discourage individuals from participating in DTC-GT. These companies and the services they offer provide a host of benefits, such as allowing consumers to access genetic testing without the healthcare system acting as a gatekeeper, thus providing more autonomy and often at a lower price.[30] Furthermore, the information provided can empower consumers to mitigate the risks of certain diseases, allow for more informed family planning, or gain a better understanding of their heritage.[31] DTC-GT has revolutionized the way individuals access and understand their genetic information. However, this accessibility and convenience comes with a host of advantages and disadvantages that must be carefully considered.







[6] Id.

[7] Id.

[8] Id.



[11] Id.

[12] Id;


[14] Id.







[21] Id.




[25] Id.

[26] Id.


[28] Id.


[30] Id.

[31] Id.