Video Games

AR/VR/XR: Breaking the Wall of Legal Issues Used to Limit in Either the Real-World or the Virtual-World

Sophia Yao, MJLST Staffer

From Pokémon Go to the Metaverse,[1] VR headsets to XR glasses, vision technology is quickly changing our lives in many aspects. The best-known companies or groups that have joined this market include Apple’s Vision Products Group (VPG), Meta’s Reality Lab, Microsoft, and others. Especially after Apple published its Vision Pro in 2023, no one doubts that this technology will soon be a vital driver for both tech and business. Regardless of why, can this type of technology significantly impact human genes? What industries will be impacted by this technology? And what kinds of legal risks are to come?

Augmented Reality (“AR”) refers to a display of a real-world environment whose elements are augmented by (i.e., overlaid with) one or more layers of text, data, symbols, images, or other graphical display elements.[2] Virtual Reality (“VR”) is using a kind of device (e.g., headsets or multi-projected environments) to create a simulated and immersive environment that can provide an experience either similar to or completely different from the real world,[3] while Mixed Reality/Extended Reality (XR) glasses are relatively compact and sleek, and weigh much less than VR headsets.[4] XR’s most distinguished quality from VR is that individuals can still see the world around them with XR by projecting a translucent screen on top of the real world. Seemingly, the differences between these three vision technologies may soon be eliminated with the possibility of their combination into once device.

Typically, vision technology assists people in mentally processing 2-D information into a 3-D world by integrating digital information directly into real objects or environments. This can improve individuals’ ability to absorb information, make decisions, and execute required tasks quickly, efficiently, and accurately. However, many people report feeling nauseous after using such products, ear pain, and a disconnect between their eyes and body.[5] Even experts who use AR/VR products in emerging psychotherapy treatments admit that there have been adverse effects in AR/VR trials due to mismatching the direct contradiction between the visual system and the motion system.[6] Researchers also discovered that it affects the way people behave in social situations due to feeling less socially connected to others.[7]

In 2022, the global augmented reality market was valued at nearly $32 billion and is projected to reach $88 billion by 2026.[8] As indicated by industry specialists and examiners, outside of gaming, a significant portion of vision technology income will accumulate from e-commerce and retail (fashion and beauty), manufacturing, the education industry, healthcare, real estate, and e-sports, which will further impact entertainment, cost of living, and innovation.[9] To manage this tremendous opportunity, it is crucial to understand potential legal risks and develop a comprehensive legal strategy to address these upcoming challenges.

To expand one’s business model, it is important to maximize the protection of intellectual property (IP), including virtual worlds, characters, and experiences. Doing so also aligns with contractual concerns, service remedies, and liability for infringement of third-party IP. For example, when filing an IP prosecution, it is difficult to argue that the hardware-executing invention (characters or data information) is a unique machine, and that the designated steps performed by the hardware are special under MPEP § 2106.05(d).[10] Furthermore, the Federal Circuit has cautioned the abstraction of inventions – that “[a]t some level, all inventions embody, use, reflect, rest upon, or apply laws of nature, natural phenomena, or abstract ideas…[T]read carefully in constructing this exclusionary principle lest it swallows all of the patent law.”[11]

From a consumer perspective, legal concerns may include data privacy, harassment, virtual trespass, or even violent attacks due to the aforementioned disconnect between individuals’ eyes and bodies. Courts’ views on virtual trespass created by vision technology devices is ambiguous. It is also unclear whether courts will accept the defense of error in judgment due to the adverse effects of using AR/VR devices. One of the most significant concerns is the protection of the younger generations, since they are often the target consumers and those who are spending the most time using these devices. Experts have raised concerns about the adverse effects of using AR/VR devices, questioning whether they negatively impact the mental and physical health of younger generations. Another concern is that these individuals may experience a decline in social communication skills and feel a stronger connection to machines rather than to human beings. Many other legal risks are hanging around the use of AR/VR devices, such as private data collection without consent by constantly scanning the users’ surrounding circumstances, although some contend that the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) prohibits the collection of personally identifiable information if an operator believes a user to be under the age of thirteen.[12]

According to research trends, combining AR, VR, and MR/XR will allow users to transcend distance, time, and scale, to bring people together in shared virtual environments, enhance comprehension, communication, and decisionmaking efficiency. Once the boundaries between the real-world and virtual-world are eliminated, AR/VR devices will “perfectly” integrate with the physical world, whether or not we are prepared for this upcoming world.


[1] Eric Ravenscraft, What is the Meteverse, Exactly?, Wired (Jun. 15, 2023, 6:04 PM),

[2] Travis Alley, ARTICLE: Pokemon Go: Emerging Liability Arising from Virtual Trespass for Augmented Reality Applications, 4 Tex. A&M J. Prop. L. 273 (2018).

[3] Law Offices of Salar Atrizadeh, Virtual and Augmented Reality Laws, Internet Law. Blog (Dec. 17, 2018),

[4] Simon Hill, Review: Viture One XR Glasses, Wired (Sep. 1, 2023, 7:00 AM),

[5] Alexis Souchet, Virtual Reality has Negative Side Effects—New Research Shows That Can be a Problem in the Workplace, The Conversation (Aug. 8, 2023, 8:29 AM),,nausea%20and%20increased%20muscle%20fatigue.

[6] John Torous et al., Adverse Effects of Virtual and Augmented Reality Interventions in Psychiatry: Systematic Review, JMIR Ment Health (May 5, 2023),

[7] How Augmented Reality Affects People’s Behavior, Sci.Daily (May 22, 2019),

[8] Augmented Reality (AR) Market by Device Type (Head-mounted Display, Head-up Display), Offering (Hardware, Software), Application (Consumer, Commercial, Healthcare), Technology, and Geography – Global Forecast, Mkt. and Mkt.,

[9] Hill, supra note 4.

[10] Manual of Patent Examining Proc. (MPEP) § 2106.05(d) (USPTO), (explaining an evaluation standard on when determining whether a claim recites significantly more than a judicial exception depends on whether the additional elements(s) are well-understood, routine, conventional activities previously known to the industry).

[11] Manual of Patent Examining Proc. (MPEP) § 2106.04 (USPTO),; see also Enfish, LLC v. Microsoft Corp., 822 F.3d 1327 (2016).

[12] 16 CFR pt. 312.

Call of Regulation: How Microsoft and Regulators Are Battling for the Future of the Gaming Industry

Caroline Moriarty, MJLST Staffer

In January of 2022 Microsoft announced its proposed acquisition of Activision Blizzard, a video game company, promising to “bring the joy and community of gaming to everyone, across every device.” However, regulators in the United States, the EU, and the United Kingdom have recently indicated that they may block this acquisition due to its antitrust implications. In this post I’ll discuss the proposed acquisition, its antitrust concerns, recent actions from regulators, and prospects for the deal’s success.


Microsoft, along with making the Windows platform, Microsoft Office suite, Surface computers, cloud computing software, and of new relevance, Bing, is a major player in the video game space. Microsoft owns Xbox, which along with Nintendo and Sony (PlayStation) is one of the three most popular gaming consoles. One of the main ways these consoles distinguish themselves from their competitors is by categorizing certain games as “exclusives,” where certain games can only be played on a single console. For example, Spiderman can only be played on PlayStation, the Mario games are exclusive to Nintendo, and Halo can only be played on Xbox. Other games, like Grand Theft Auto, Fortnite, and FIFA are offered on multiple platforms, allowing consumers to play the game on whatever console they already own.

Activision Blizzard is a video game holding company, which means the company owns games developed by game development studios. They then make decisions about marketing, creative direction, and console availability for individual games. Some of their most popular games include World of Warcraft, Candy Crush, Overwatch, and one of the most successful game franchises ever, Call of Duty. Readers outside of the gaming space may recognize Activision Blizzard’s name from recent news stories about its toxic workplace culture.

In January 2022, Microsoft announced its intention to purchase Activision Blizzard for $68.7 billion dollars, which would be the largest acquisition in the company’s history. The company stated that its goals were to expand into mobile gaming, as well as make more titles available, especially through Xbox Game Pass, a streaming service for games. After the announcement, critics pointed out two main issues. First, if Microsoft owned Activision Blizzard, it would be able to make the company’s titles exclusive to Xbox. This is especially problematic in relation to the Call of Duty franchise. Not only does the Call of Duty franchise include the top three most popular games of 2022, but it’s estimated that 400 million people play at least one of the games, 42% of whom play on Playstation. Second, if Microsoft owned Activision Blizzard, it could also make its titles exclusive to Xbox Game Pass, which would change the structure of the relatively new cloud streaming market.

The Regulators

Microsoft’s proposed acquisition has drawn scrutiny from the FTC, the European Commission, and the UK Competition and Markets Authority. In what the New York Times has dubbed “a global alignment on antitrust,” the three regulators have pursued a connected strategy. First, the European Commission announced an investigation of the deal in November, signaling that the deal would take time to close. Then, a month later, the FTC sued in its own administrative court, which is more favorable to antitrust claims. In February 2023, the Competition and Markets Authority released provisional findings on the effect of the acquisition on UK markets, writing that the merger may be expected to result in a substantial lessening of competition. Finally, the EU commission also completed its investigation, concluding that the possibility of Microsoft making Activision Blizzard titles exclusives “could reduce competition in the markets for the distribution of console and PC video games, leading to higher prices, lower quality and less innovation for console game distributors, which may, in turn, be passed on to consumers.” Together, the agencies are indicating a new era in antitrust – one that is much tougher on deals than in the recent past.

Specifically, the FTC called out Microsoft on its past acquisitions in its complaint. When Microsoft acquired Bethesda (another video game company, known for games like The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim) in 2021, the company told the European Commission that they would keep titles available on other consoles. After the deal cleared, Microsoft announced that many Bethesda titles, including highly anticipated games like Starfield and Redfall, would be Microsoft exclusives. The FTC used this in its complaint to show that any promises by Microsoft to keep games like Call of Duty available to all consumers could be broken at any time. Microsoft has disputed this characterization, arguing that the company made decisions to make titles exclusive on a “case-by-case basis,” which was in line with what it told the European Commission.

For the current deal, Microsoft has agreed to make Call of Duty available on the Nintendo Switch, and it claims to have made an offer to Sony, guaranteeing the franchise would remain available on PlayStation for ten years. This type of guarantee is known as conduct remedy, which preserves competition through requirements that the merged firm commits to take certain business actions or refrain from certain business conduct going forward. In contrast, structural remedies usually require a company to divest certain assets by selling parts of the business. One example of conduct remedies was in the Live Nation – Ticketmaster merger. The companies agreed not to retaliate against concert venue customers that switched to a different service nor tie sales of ticketing services to concerts it promoted. However, as the recent Taylor Swift ticketing dilemma proves, conduct remedies may not be effective in eliminating anticompetitive behavior.


Microsoft faces an uphill battle with its proposed acquisition. Despite its claims that Xbox does not exercise outsize influence in the gaming industry, the sheer size and potential effects of this acquisition make Microsoft’s claims much weaker. Further, the company faces stricter scrutiny from new regulators in the United States. Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter, who leads the DOJ’s antitrust division, has already indicated that he prefers structural remedies to conduct ones, and Lina Khan, FTC commissioner, is well known for her opposition to big tech companies. If Microsoft wants this deal to succeed, it may have to provide more convincing evidence that it will act differently than its anticompetitive conduct in the past.

“I Don’t Know What to Tell You. It’s the Metaverse—I’ll Do What I Want.” How Rape Culture Pervades Virtual Reality

Zanna Tennant, MJLST Staffer

When someone is robbed or injured by another, he or she can report to the police and hold the criminal accountable. When someone is wronged, they can seek retribution in court. Although there are certainly roadblocks in the justice system, such as inability to afford an attorney or the lack of understanding how to use the system, most people have a general understanding that they can hold wrongdoers accountable and the basic steps in the process. In real life, there are laws explicitly written that everyone must abide by. However, what happens to laws and the justice system as technology changes how we live? When the internet came into widespread public use, Congress enacted new laws new laws to control how people are allowed to use the internet. Now, a new form of the internet, known as the Metaverse, has both excited big companies about what it could mean for the future, as well as sparked controversy about how to adapt the law to this new technology. It can be hard for lawyers and those involved in the legal profession to imagine how to apply the law to a technology that is not yet fully developed. However, Congress and other law-making bodies will need to consider how they can control how people use the Metaverse and ensure that it will not be abused.

The Metaverse is a term that has recently gained a lot of attention, although by no means is the concept new. Essentially, the Metaverse is a “simulated digital environment that uses augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and blockchain, along with concepts from social media, to create spaces for rich user interaction mimicking the real world.” Many people are aware that virtual reality is a completely simulated environment which takes a person out of the real world. On the other hand, augmented reality uses the real-world and adds or changes things, often using a camera. Both virtual and augmented reality are used today, often in the form of video games. For virtual reality, think about the headsets that allow you to immerse yourself in a game. I, myself, have tried virtual reality video games, such as job simulator. Unfortunately, I burned down the kitchen in the restaurant I was working at. An example of augmented reality is PokemonGo, which many people have played. Blockchain technology, the third aspect, is a decentralized, distributed ledger that records the provenance of a digital asset. The Metaverse is a combination of these three aspects, along with other possibilities. As Matthew Ball, a venture capitalist has described it, “the metaverse is a 3D version of the internet and computing at large.” Many consider it to be the next big technology that will revolutionize the way we live. Mark Zuckerberg has even changed the name of his company, Facebook, to “Meta” and is focusing his attention on creating a Metaverse.

The Metaverse will allow people to do activities that they do in the real world, such as spending time with friends, attending concerts, and engaging in commerce, but in a virtual world. People will have their own avatars that represent them in the Metaverse and allow them to interact with others. Although the Metaverse does not currently exist, as there is no single virtual reality world that all can access, there are some examples that come close to what experts imagine the Metaverse to look like. The game, Second Life, is a simulation that allows users access to a virtual reality where they can eat, shop, work, and do any other real-world activity. Decentraland is another example which allows people to buy and sell land using digital tokens. Other companies, such as Sony and Lego, have invested billions of dollars in the development of the Metaverse. The idea of the Metaverse is not entirely thought out and is still in the stages of development. However, there are many popular culture references to the concepts involved in the Metaverse, such as Ready Player One and Snow Crash, a novel written by Neal Stephenson. Many people are excited about the possibilities that the Metaverse will bring in the future, such as creating new ways of learning through real-world simulations. However, with such great change on the horizon, there are still many concerns that need to be addressed.

Because the Metaverse is such a novel concept, it is unclear how exactly the legal community will respond to it. How do lawmakers create laws that regulate the use of something not fully understood and how does it make sure that people do not abuse it? Already, there have been numerous instances of sexual harassments, threats of rape and violence and even sexual assault. Recently, a woman was gang raped in the VR platform Horizon Worlds, which was created by Meta. Unfortunately and perhaps unsurprisingly, little action was taken in response, other than an apology from Meta and statements that they would make improvements. This was a horrifying experience that showcased the issues surrounding the Metaverse. As explained by Nina Patel, the co-founder and VP of Metaverse Research, “virtual reality has essentially been designed so the mind and body can’t differentiate virtual/digital experiences from real.” In other words, the Metaverse is so life-like that a person being assaulted in a virtual world would feel like they actually experienced the assault in real life. This should be raising red flags. However, the problem arises when trying to regulate activities in the Metaverse. Sexually assaulting someone in a virtual reality is different than assaulting someone in the real world, even if it feels the same to the victim. Because people are aware that they are in a virtual world, they think they can do whatever they want with no consequences.

At the present, there are no laws regarding conduct in the Metaverse. Certainly, this is something that will need to be addressed, as there needs to be laws that prevent this kind of behavior from happening. But how does one regulate conduct in a virtual world? Does a person’s avatar have personhood and rights under the law? This has yet to be decided. It is also difficult to track someone in the Metaverse due to the ability to mask their identity and remain anonymous. Therefore, it could be difficult to figure out who committed certain prohibited acts. At the moment, some of the virtual realities have terms of service which attempt to regulate conduct by restricting certain behaviors and providing remedies for violations, such as banning. It is worth noting that Meta does not have any terms of service or any rules regarding conduct in the Horizon Worlds. However, the problem here remains how to enforce these terms of service. Banning someone for a week or so is not enough. Actual laws need to be put in place in order to protect people from sexual assault and other violent acts. The fact that the Metaverse is outside the real world should not mean that people can do whatever they want, whenever they want.

“Crunch”Ing the Numbers Behind a Marquee Year in Video Games

Ellie Soskin, MJLST Staffer

The COVID-19 pandemic has made this past year a financially devastating one for film and for sports, industries that rely on in-person ticket sales for a share of their revenue. But while those industries struggled, another form of entertainment was having a banner year. The videogame industry saw revenues reach a whopping $180 billion USD, by one estimate. As of last year, more than 214 million people in the United States alone reported playing some form of videogame for at least one hour per week. Four of five U.S. consumers reported playing a video game in the last six months. And with pandemic restrictions limiting activities, gaming on dedicated game consoles, on computers, and on smartphones (“mobile gaming”) has skyrocketed. For many, online gaming has provided a social outlet during a period of isolation, or an almost therapeutic form of escapism. But for all of the potential in the videogame industry, both economic and otherwise, there is a looming labor (and moral) issue that has escaped the law.

The Washington Post recently published a piece on the legality of what’s known in the gaming industry as “crunch.” Generally, crunch, short for “crunch time” occurs at the end of a game’s development cycle. As deadlines loom, the hours become longer and longer and every day becomes a workday; thirteen hour days and seven day workweeks are not remotely unheard of. Ultimately, though, crunch can occur any time there is a major development milestone looming, not just the end of a project.

This is not a new problem, with reports of crunch at major game developers and publishers like Electronic Arts (EA) dating back seventeen years. Back then, video game revenue sat at a relatively miniscule $7 billion annually, a mere 3 percent of where it is today. That explosion in revenue has not changed employment habits. As the Washington Post reports, a 2019 survey revealed that “40 percent of game developers reported working crunch time at least once over the course of the previous year,” with many working “at least 20 extra hours” per workweek and only 8 percent reporting overtime pay. The reports have been consistent over the years: one developer reported working “14 hours a day, six days a week” during a crunch period in 2016. In 2018, employees at major game development studio Rockstar reported an average of 60-hour weeks during crunch (generally six days of ten hour workdays); Rockstar co-founder Dan Houser described “100-hour weeks.” Those kinds of working conditions are a breeding ground for prolonged stress and fatigue, causing mental health issues and even actual physical illness.

News outlets have generally framed crunch as an industry problem without mind for the legal analysis. Publishers demand last minute changes, and studio heads push workers into crunch to appease their financial backers. Or it’s viewed as a rite of passage within the industry and just part of working what is a dream job for a number of young people. In the words of one employee, “[e]mployers know that it’s many people’s dream to be there, so they are able to exploit the fact.” Take This is a mental health non-profit focused on the gaming industry that published a white paper in 2019 reporting on the most pressing mental health issues faced by game developers. Career instability, particularly crunch and lack of job security, were found to be key drivers of poor mental health in developers. Additionally, developers report working for an average of 2.2 employers over a five year period, indicative of the low stability afforded by the industry.

The Washington Post’s piece is admittedly one of the first to focus on the legal framework enabling this kind of employment behavior in the United States. In sum, the video game industry has either exploited existing overtime exemptions for salaried employees under the FLSA and state law or lobbied for new exemptions. For example, after that aforementioned EA crunch exposé, employees sued and settled multiple multi-million dollar class action lawsuits over working conditions. The settlements would have limited the exemptions and reclassified certain employees as overtime eligible, had a new set of exemption rules not been enacted in 2008, lowering the point at which salaried employees are no longer considered eligible for overtime pay.

Crunch as a concept is not simply a United States video game industry problem. Crunch, particularly uncompensated crunch, is also a noted problem in Japanese studios, as well as in various studios worldwide. Polish video game studio CD Projekt Red (CDPR) made six-day workweeks mandatory in the weeks leading up to the highly anticipated release of their big-budget game “Cyberpunk 2077.” Notably, however, those employees all received paid overtime in accordance with Polish labor laws, as well as splitting 10% of the company’s 2020 profits amongst employees as a bonus.

Ultimately, crunch seems to be deeply embedded in the culture of the video game industry worldwide. But there’s no doubt that, as the Washington Post states, it has been enabled by the structure of current labor laws in the United States. Some industry insiders have floated unionization for developers as a potential solution to the lack of legal protections overall, particularly the lack of overtime, poor working conditions, and overall job instability. An industry survey from early 2020 indicated that, when asked if they should unionize, 54 percent of workers said yes, though only 23 percent believed that they actually would unionize. Last January, one of the biggest unions in the United States, Communications Workers of America (CWA), announced their intention to help game workers unionize. But it remains to be seen if anything will come of that and no new reports on unionization have emerged since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. For now, it seems like it’s business as usual for a booming industry.

In the interest of full disclosure, this author’s brother works in the video game industry.

Robinhood Changed the Game(Stop) of Modern Day Investing but Did They Go Too Far?

Amanda Erickson, MJLST Staffer

It is likely that you have heard the video game chain, GameStop, in the news more frequently than normal. GameStop is a publicly traded company that is known for selling, trading, and purchasing gaming devices and accessories. Along with many other retailers during the COVID-19 pandemic, GameStop has been struggling. Not only did COVID-19 affect its operations, but the Internet beat the company’s outdated business model. Prior to January 2021, GameStop’s stock prices reflected the apparent new reality of gaming. In March 2015, GameStop’s closing price was around $40 a share, but at the beginning of January 2021, it was at $20 a share. With a downward trend like this, it might come as a shock to learn that on January 27, 2021, GameStop’s closing price was at $347.51 a share, with the stock briefly peaking at $483 on the following day.

This dramatic surge can be accredited to a large group of amateur traders on the Reddit forum, r/WallStreetBets, who promoted investments in the stock. This sudden surge forced large scale institutional investors, who originally bet against the stock through short positions, to buy the stock in order to hedge their positions. Short selling involves “borrowing” shares of a company, and quickly selling the borrowed shares into the market. The short seller hopes that these shares will fall in price, so that they can buy the shares back at a potentially lower price. If this happens, they can return the shares back that they “borrowed” and keep the difference as profit. The practice of short selling is controversial. Short selling can lead to stock price manipulation and can generate misinformation about a company, but it can also serve to check and balance the markets. The group on Reddit knew that short sellers had positions betting against GameStop and wanted to take advantage of these positions. This caused the stock price to soar when these short sellers had to repurchase their borrowed shares.

This historic scene intrigued many day traders to participate and place bets on GameStop, and other stocks that this Reddit group was promoting. Many chose to use Robinhood, a free online trading app, to make these trades. Robinhood introduced a radical business model in 2014 by offering consumers a platform that allowed them to trade with zero commissions, and ultimately changed the way the industry operated. That is until Robinhood issued a statement on January 28, 2021 announcing that “in light of recent volatility, we restricted transactions for certain securities,” including GameStop. Later that day, Robinhood issued another statement saying it would allow limited buying of those securities starting the next day. This came as a shock to many Robinhood users, because Robinhood’s mission is to “democratize finance for all.” These events exacerbated previous questions about the profitability model of Robinhood and ultimately left many users questioning Robinhood’s mission.

The first lawsuit was filed by a Robinhood user on January 28, 2021, alleging that Robinhood blocked its users from purchasing any of GameStop’s stock “in the midst of an unprecedented stock rise thereby depriv[ing] retail investors of the ability to invest in the open-market and manipulating the open market.” Robinhood is now facing over 30 lawsuits, with that number only rising. The chaos surrounding GameStop stock has caught lawmakers’ attention, and they are now calling for congressional action. On January 29, 2021, the Securities and Exchange Commission issued a statement informing that it is “closely monitoring and evaluating the extreme price volatility of certain stocks’ trading prices” and expressed that it will “closely review actions taken by regulated entities that may disadvantage investors.” Robinhood issued another statement on January 29, 2021, stating they did not want to stop people from buying these stocks, but that they had to take these steps to conform with their regulatory capital requirements.

The frenzy has since calmed down but left many Americans with questions surrounding the legality of Robinhood’s actions. While it may seem like Robinhood went against everything the free market has to offer, legal experts disagree, and it all boils down to the contract. The Robinhood contract states “I understand Robinhood may at any time, in its sole discretion and without prior notice to Me, prohibit or restrict My ability to trade securities.” Just how broad is that discretion, though? The issue now is if Robinhood treated some users differently than others. Columbia Law School professor, Joshua Mitts, said, “when hedge funds are going to lose from a trading suspension, they don’t face any lockup like this, any suspension, any halt at the retail level, but when retail investors find themselves locked in, they find themselves unable to exit the trade.” This protective action by Robinhood directly contradicts the language in the Robinhood contract that states that the user agrees Robinhood does not “provide investment advice in connection with this Account.” The language in this contract may seem clear separately, but when examining Robinhood’s restrictions, it leaves room to question what constitutes advice when restricting retail investors’ trades.

Robinhood’s practices are now under scrutiny by retail investors who question the priority of the company. The current lawsuits against Robinhood could potentially impact how fintech companies are able to generate profits and what federal oversight they might have moving forward. This instance of confusion between retail investors and their platform choice points to the potential weaknesses in this new form of trading. While GameStop’s stock price may have declined since January 28, the events that unfolded will likely change the guidelines of retail investing in the future.


Nineteen Eighty Fortnite

Valerie Eliasen, MJLST Staffer

The Sixth and Seventh Amendments affords people the right to a trial by jury. Impartiality is an essential element of a jury in both criminal and civil cases. That impartiality is lost if a juror’s decision is “likely to be influenced by self-interest, prejudice, or information obtained extrajudicially.” There are many ways by which a juror’s impartiality may become questionable. Media attention, for example, has influenced the jury’s impartiality in high-profile criminal cases.

In cases involving large companies, advertising is another way to appeal to jurors. It is easy to understand why: humans are emotional. Because both advertisement perception and jury decisions are influenced by emotions, it comes as no surprise that some parties have been “accused of launching image advertising campaigns just before jury selection began.” Others have been accused of advertising heavily in litigation “hot spots,” where many cases of a certain type, like patent law, are brought and heard.

A recent example of advertising launched by a party to a lawsuit comes from the emerging dispute between Apple Inc. and Epic Games Inc. Epic is responsible for the game Fortnite, an online “Battle-Royale” game, which some call the “biggest game in the world.” Epic sued Apple in August for violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1980 and several other laws in reference to Apple’s practice of collecting 30 percent of every App and in-App purchase made on Apple products. When Epic began allowing Fortnite users to pay Epic directly on Apple products, Apple responded by removing Fortnite from the App Store. The App Store is the only platform where users can purchase and download applications, such as Fortnite, for their Apple products. In conjunction with the lawsuit, Epic released a video titled Nineteen Eighty Fortnite – #FreeFortnite. The video portrays Apple as the all-knowing, all-controlling “Big Brother” figure from George Orwell’s 1984. The ad was a play on Apple’s nearly identical commercial introducing the Macintosh computer in 1984. This was an interesting tactic given the majority of Fortnite users were born after 1994.

Most companies that have been accused of using advertisements to influence jurors have used advertisements to help improve the company image. With Epic, the advertisement blatantly points a finger at Apple, the defendant. Should an issue arise, a court will have an easy time finding that the purpose of the ad was to bolster support for Epic’s claims. But, opponents will most likely not raise a case regarding jury impartiality because this advertisement was released so far in advance of jury selection and the trial. Problems could arise, however, if Epic Games continues its public assault on Apple.

Epic’s ad also reminds us of large tech companies’ power to influence users. The explosion of social media and the development of machine learning over the past 10 years have yielded a powerful creature: personalization. Social media and web platforms are constantly adjusting content and advertisements to account for the location and the behavior of users. These tech giants have the means to control and tailor the content that every user sees. Many of these tech giants, like Google and Facebook, have often been and currently are involved in major litigation.

The impartial jury essential to our legal system cannot exist when their decisions are influenced by outside sources. Advertisements exist for the purpose of influencing decisions. For this reason, Courts should be wary the advertising abilities and propensities of parties and must take action to prevent and control advertisements that specifically relate to or may influence a jury. A threat to the impartial jury is a threat we must take seriously.